Andre­as Quartier

Sys­tem: KNX, Dali  Num­ber of devices:  / Data points: / Pro­ject Mana­ger: Hol­ger Bren­ner  Cli­ent: Sal­via Elek­tro­tech­nik  A new quar­ter that will shape the city­scape is emer­ging in the cent­re of Düsseldorf’s Old Town: the Andre­as Quar­tier, which is loca­ted in the vici­ni­ty of the for­mer dis­trict and regio­nal court. The land­mark Wil­hel­mi­ne court­house forms the […]

Kö-Bogen 2

Sys­tem: KNX, Dali  Num­ber of devices:  / Data points: / Pro­ject Mana­ger: Wolf­gang Rei­ser  Cli­ent: Sal­via Elek­tro­tech­nik  At the ent­rance to one of the most popu­lar shop­ping streets in Düs­sel­dorf, the B&L Group and the Cen­trum Group are rea­li­zing a spec­ta­cu­lar high street pro­per­ty. With the green ter­race and roof are­as, the archi­tec­tu­re crea­tes a striking […]
