Alli­anz Campus

Sys­tem: KNX, BAC­net, Dali  Num­ber of devices:  3078  Data points: 4812  Pro­ject Mana­ger: Wolf­gang Rei­ser  Cli­ent: Sal­via Elek­tro­tech­nik  The foun­da­ti­on stone for the Alli­anz Cam­pus in Adlers­hof, Ber­lin, was laid on 22 Sep­tem­ber 2016. The three buil­dings with fle­xi­ble office designs are loca­ted on an area of 27,000 m² at the ent­rance to the Adlers­hof Technology […]


Sys­tem: KNX, Dali, Smart Visu Ser­ver  Num­ber of devices:  / Data points: / Pro­ject Mana­ger: Wolf­gang Rei­ser  Cli­ent: Sal­via Elek­tro­tech­nik  The Euro­pa­ci­ty office loca­ti­on will have ano­ther buil­ding. The name My.B stands for My Base and My Ber­lin. The striking faca­de of the 120 m long buil­ding with an area of ​​14,600 m² fol­lows the […]
