Cur­rent projects

Schwa­bin­ger Tor



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Pro­ject Manager:


The ‘Schwa­bin­ger Tor’ quar­ter is curr­ent­ly emer­ging in the heart of the Schwa­bing dis­trict of Munich. The new dis­trict is made up of nine buil­dings, which stretch from Leo­pold­stra­ße to Ber­li­ner Stra­ße. An urban mix of retail stores and gas­tro­no­my, new offices and workspaces, as well as attrac­ti­ve apart­ments will make for a very lively dis­trict. 21,000 m² of office space con­tai­ning 50 office units, 20,000 m² of living space with 210 apart­ments and 890 par­king spaces, plus 7,400 m² for retail and gas­tro­no­my will be crea­ted for its imple­men­ta­ti­on. The sty­lish bou­tique Hotel And­az (Hyatt Group) with 274 sty­lish rooms will round out the over­all pic­tu­re.
Room auto­ma­ti­on was imple­men­ted using Sie­mens ope­ra­tor panels on KNX and the modu­lar sys­tem Warema BAli­ne. Also MP-Bus dri­ves of the Fa. Beli­mo were inte­gra­ted by means of KNX gate­ways. With 9 BAC­net — KNX gate­ways (Loy­tec L‑Gate 950 and 952) have been han­ded more than 8000 data points fpr the room automation.
