Lar­ge customers




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Pro­ject Manager:


In 2011 the ECE com­pa­ny took over manage­ment of the City Pas­sa­ge, which dates from 1977 and is a very well-known shop­ping loca­ti­on. As part of an exten­si­ve refur­bish­ment, it will now be trans­for­med into a modern and attrac­ti­ve shop­ping and expe­ri­ence cent­re with appro­xi­m­ate­ly 110 shops and 560 par­king spaces. An ellip­ti­cal pla­za cove­ring four storeys with a 15-met­re-tall glass dome forms the spec­ta­cu­lar focal point of the cent­re. The­mes such as flowing mate­ri­al and woven-tog­e­ther linens offer attrac­ti­ve design ele­ments and thus remind visi­tors of the linen and sewing-machi­ne tra­di­ti­on, which also pro­vi­ded the inspi­ra­ti­on for the name ‘Loom’.