Cur­rent projects




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The And­az Schwa­bin­ger Hotel Munich is due to open its doors at Schwa­bin­ger Tor in the heart of Munich in July 2018. This stands to be a dis­trict cha­rac­te­ri­sed by uncon­ven­tio­nal life­styl­es, whe­re Munich’s bohe­mi­ans and free-spi­rits such as aut­hors and musi­ci­ans alre­a­dy meet in search of a crea­ti­ve out­let and free­dom of expression.

The hotel, ope­ra­ted by the Hyatt Group, will not only boast a total of 274 rooms, but also a modern 490 m² ball­room and seven inno­va­ti­ve stu­di­os with a total area of 423 m² spread across the ground and first flo­ors. From the menu design through the sel­ec­ted the­me, right up to the audio­vi­su­al demands, the team respon­si­ble for the And­az Hotel wants to give every event its indi­vi­du­al, uni­que touch. What’s more, show kit­chens with chefs and bar­ten­ders pro­vi­de inter­ac­tion at social events.
